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Project Title 

Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi, India

Ph.D in Electrical Engineering 

Aug  2022 - Present

CGPA: 8.50/10

PhD Courses

  1. ELL832: Micro & Nano Machines (IEC-I)

  2. ELL834: Advanced Micro & Nano Systems (IEC-II)

  3. CML729: Material Characterizations

  4. PYL705: Nanostructured Materials 

  5. HSL800: Research Writings

M.Tech Project Title

"Synthesis, structural, magnetic and optical properties of yttrium substituted cobalt ferrite nanomaterials"

BE Project Title

"Color recognition embedded system with augmented reality concept and finger interaction"

Experience of Teaching Assistant at IITD

B.Tech Course:
ELP101: Introduction to Electrical Engineering
ELL202: Circuit Theory

Teaching Assistant under PMRF Scheme

Aryabhatta Knowledge University, Patna, India
M.Tech in Nanoscience and Technology

CGPA: 8.65/10

B.Tech Course at VVIT, Purnea, Bihar

B.Tech Course at NSUT, Delhi (Present)​

Hands-on Advanced Scientific Instruments

Anna University, Chennai, India

B.E in Electronics and Communication Engineering 

Sep 2011–Apr 2015

CGPA: 7.61/10

  • Ultra High Frequency Spray Pyrolysis Furnace (LNMD Lab) 

  • X-ray Diffraction (Currently, TA in NRF, IIT Delhi)

  • Thermal Evaporation System (Currently, TA in NRF, IIT Delhi)

  • Uv-Visible Spectrometer

  • Impedance Analyzer (LNMD Lab)

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