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  1. Awarded with Prime Minister's Research Fellowship (PMRF) by MHRD, India

  2. Received  Best Poster Presentation Award in Science Conference by BHABHA Atomic Research Center Mumbai-2019

  3. Received Best Poster Presentation Award in Bihar Science Conference-2019

  4. Received the ‘PLATINUM CERTIFIED ENGINEER’ award during EETP program by BSNL-AICTE-2015

  5. Received the ‘GOLD CERTIFIED ENGINEER’ award during EETP program by BSNL-AICTE-2015

  6. Received the ‘SILVER CERTIFIED ENGINEER’ award during EETP program by BSNL-AICTE-2014

Review Activity  for Journal Articles

  1. Reviewed for Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, Springer Nature

  2. Reviewed for Journal, Physica B: Condensed Matter., Elsevier

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